Stripburger’s editorial board invites artist to submit comics for the upcoming issue of Stripburger magazine.
Submission deadline: 01. 03. 2015
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The format of the magazine is 27 x 19 cm (portrait). All the techniques are allowed as long as the comics are in black and white or in grayscale. If you want to send us color pages, contact us first.
The preferred file format for digital contributions is TIFF (600 dpi linearity for BW comics and 300 dpi grayscale for color ones).
Submit only low resolution jpgs for our consideration (but big enough to read!). The big resolution files as described above we’ll ask you to send later.
For first-time contributors, the maximum length of a story allowed is 7 pages.
As you please.
We are not necessarily looking for a new comic, it can be old, but in that case we prefer that it was not published in an international English magazine/anthology.
More info about Stripburger magazine you can find on our website. If you have never seen it, it might be helpful for you to take a glimpse at some excerpts or even better to buy a previous issue. It might help you to see what could work, and what could not.
Stripburger’s editorial board holds the right to accept or decline any contribution. Unfortunately we cannot pay any artist for their contributions.
Every author published in the magazine receives two free copies of the magazine.
If you have any questions write us! We are looking forward to receiving your submissions!