Other goodies
Coproductions, silkscreen posters, tote bags and other goodies …
Silkscreen posters by Igor Hofbauer - Hof, price: 60 €.
Sequences – prints
Triptychs or a series of three narratively linked artistic prints - available in a limited edition!
A Decade of Comics: Comics in Slovenia 2006–2016: Exhibition catalogue
BILINGUAL EDITION (ENGLISH-SLOVENE). Exhibition catalogue, Zavod Celeia Celje – Center sodobnih umetnosti and Forum Ljubljana, March 2017, 184 p., 10 €.
Workburger Posters
Silkscreen posters, printed in 2013 for the Attention, work! exhibition, 40 € each.
Greetings from Cartoonia Posters
Silkscreen posters, printed in 2009 for the Greetings from Cartoonia exhibition, 40 € each.
The Comics Strip Puzzle - a relaxing didactical product from Stripburger kitchen, 2008 - SOLD OUT!
Robert Crumb: KAFKA
THIS RELEASE IS IN SLOVENE LANGUAGE! Crumb's Kafka - part illustrated biography, part comics adaptation. LUD Literatura and Stripburger/Forum Ljubljana, Litera Picta edition, January 2010, 176 p., SOLD OUT.
Paul Karasik & David Mazzucchelli: STEKLENO MESTO
THIS RELEASE IS IN SLOVENE LANGUAGE! A comics adaptation of American author Paul Auster's offbeat, somewhat surreal novella City of Glass. LUD Literatura and Stripburger/Forum Ljubljana, Litera Picta edition,
March 2007, 140 p., 10 €.
OSMOZA – brez meja
THIS RELEASE IS IN SLOVENE AND ITALIAN LANGUAGE. Osmosis / Without borders - a comics anthology containing short stories by 3 Slovenian and 3 Italian comics artists. Stripburger & Viva Comix, Feb. 2005, 94 p., 8 €.
Biblijske in ostale kratke zgodbe
Biblical and other short stories – an album by Matjaž Bertoncelj,… >>>
Literatura – Strip
THIS RELEASE IS IN SLOVENE LANGUAGE! Special edition of magazine Literatura (163-164) - cross pollination between literature & comics! Literatura & Stripburger, 2005, 232 p., SOLD OUT.