REMIX COMIX. Comics for heritage
residences, exhibitions, workshops, conference
The Remix Comix international project was created as an initiative of six non-governmental cultural organizations from Slovenia, Serbia, the Czech Republic and the Netherlands. The two-year project focuses on contemporary comics, the potential of comics and art in community building or the empowerment of various marginalized groups.
Remix Comix connects a pleiad of artists, theorists and social activists from various artistic backgrounds; the project tries to draw attention to the comics as a specific medium of expression and question its fitness in the context of (public) art, education and overlooked cultural heritage. It primarily focuses on various marginal or socially vulnerable groups: the project explores practices and ways in which we can empower them and thus enable them a greater social affirmation. Remix Comix tries to give voice to the members of subcultural and marginal identities — so that they articulate their specific position in society in the public space with the help of art and, in this way, continue to build their own unique community through their work. The project questions the potential of comics and art as an emancipatory tool, which can contribute to fairer and more inclusive society. The goal is to challenge established models of heritage presentation, while also opening new perspectives on marginalized groups, striving for their greater cultural inclusion and thus for a more inclusive and just society.