

Relaxing didactical product from Stripburger kitchen!

Matej De Cecco

Sasa Kerkos

Matej Lavrencic

Jakob Klemencic

Marko Kociper

Andrej Stular


Stripble manual

Technical information
The Comics Strip Puzzle consists of the following items: instructions (1 pc), packaging (2 pc) and images printed on 2 mm cardboard (36 pcs).

Stripble provokes the urge for active relaxation of cerebral volume and other symptoms commonly associated with it. It also works as a strong antidote for writer’s block when writing literature, scripts and other useless activities. A need for a drink coaster occurs quite often.

Total absence of the creative thinking capacities; increased absence of the need for drink coasters.

Side effects
No side effects were reported so far.

Daily dosage is arbitrary and depends completely on individual judgement of the user. In some cases, an addiction may occur. The manufacturer takes no responsibility for this; in fact, it’s the manufacturer’s secret and dirty wish for this symptom to emerge as often as possible.

The multi-functioned puzzle images (coasters) are placed on the flattest possible surface. After a phase of intensive contemplation which may last as long as needed, individual visual narrative units (stories) are attempted to be grasped or guessed. Next, the ‘stories’ that share coasters (one ‘coaster’ may appear in two stories) are combined into a two-dimensional system. In case of failure, the numbers printed on the back of each coaster OR the handy diagram printed on this leaflet can be used.
On the intermediate level, the coasters (after a phase of intensive contemplation, as above) are combined into a completely arbitrary order. This usage is potentially lucrative, as six of the best unique combinations (photographed and sent before December 2008) will be awarded by Stripburger with 50 € worth of comics publications.
On the master level, the ‘coasters’ are used as regular coasters for glasses of beer and other assorted alcoholic or non-alcoholic drinks.

Manufacturer and service:
Stripburger, Forum Ljubljana, Metelkova 6, SI – 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
All rights reserved.
24-hour online support:

Concept, idea, directing and the production of separate visual-narrative units: Matej de Cecco, Saša Kerkoš, Jakob Klemenčič, Marko Kociper, Matej Lavrenčič, Andrej Štular; design: Saša Kerkoš; print: International Centre of Graphic Arts(Mednarodni grafični in likovni center Ljubljana), February 2008



Possible solution

Resitev / Solution

Matej de Cecco = A, Sasa Kerkos = B, Matej Lavrencic = C, Jakob Klemencic = D, Marko Kociper = E, Andrej Stular = F

Manufacturer and service: 
Stripburger, Forum Ljubljana, Metelkova 6, SI – 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
All rights reserved.
24-hour online support: 


Matej de Cecco

Matej de Cecco

Sasa Kerkos

Saša Kerkoš

Matej Lavrencic

Matej Lavrenčič

Jakob Klemencic

Jakob Klemenčič

Marko Kociper

Marko Kociper

Andrej Stular

Andrej Štular

