Stripburger magazine Stripburger 70: 25 years! INSIST TO PERSIST: STRIPBURGER'S 25 YEARS! November 2017, 96 pages, cover: Caroline Sury, SOLD OUT.
Stripburger Special Issues Madburger – comics questioning sanity Comics Questioning Sanity -fresh, radical, non-moralizing and even humorous comics that will hopefully shatter the taboo called madness. August 2002, 216 pgs., SOLD OUT.
Stripburger Special Issues Warburger Stripburger's war edition features an international anti-war coalition. 400 pages, 2003, cover art by Stephane Blanquet, SOLD OUT.
Stripburger Special Issues Stripburek – comics from the other Europe 2001, 216 pages, cover: Jakob Klemenčič, SOLD OUT.
Stripburger magazine Stripburger 53 May 2010, 96 pages, cover: Milan Erič, 2,50 € + around 5 € international shipping.
Stripburger Special Issues Stripburek – comics from behind the rusty iron curtain November 1997, 164 pages, cover: Wostok, SOLD OUT.