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The Comics Strip Puzzle - a relaxing didactical product from Stripburger kitchen, 2008 - SOLD OUT!

Comics Republic

Matej Lavrenčič: Male črne skrbi

THIS RELEASE IS IN SLOVENE LANGUAGE! Little Black Worries: a funny and amusing story about contemporary struggles of the average everyman in the modern world! Republika Strip edition #4, February 2005, A4-, 68 pgs., SOLD OUT.

O editions

Ču ču čaki

THIS RELEASE IS IN SLOVENE LANGUAGE! Choo Choo Wait - mini comics anthology about traveling by train and waiting. Edition O #7, January 2010, 172 pgs., 7 €.

O editions

Slovenski klasiki v stripu

THIS RELEASE IS IN SLOVENE LANGUAGE! Slovene Classics in Comics Form - a cult anthology of comics parodies, which shamelessly and refreshingly topple the nation’s great cultural icons from their pedestals. Stripburger and Mladina, Edition O #5, hard covers, 192 p., A4, 2009; 2nd reprint: Dec. 2016, 17 €.