
O editions

Koco in Nikolovski: Drug drugemu drug

THIS RELEASE IS IN SLOVENE LANGUAGE! Other is brother - a poetic rap narrative in comics about the fate of contemporary refugees and of their flight to safety - through the eyes of a stray cat. Edition O #22, 64 bw pgs., 8 €.

O editions

Sanja Pocrnjić: Jezen, jezen škrat

THIS RELEASE IS IN SLOVENE LANGUAGE! An Angry, Angry Dwarf: a playful mini comic about a little forest dwarf, who is always angry, because his home is full of trash. Edition O #20, April 2018, 24 pgs., A6, 1,50 €.

Comics Embassy

Gipi: Dežela potomcev (Land of the Sons)

THIS RELEASE IS IN SLOVENE LANGUAGE! Land of the Sons - Gipi’s most artistically accomplished work to date! An extraordinary power of graphic art & emotions! Forum Ljubljana, Ambasada Strip edition #20, November 2017, 288 bw pgs., 17 €.

O editions

Matija Medved: Fontana

The Fountain - a simple and playful wordless mini comic which shows the humorous side of the accidents of coincidental bypassers. Edition O #19, April 2017, 24 pgs., A6, SOLD OUT.

O editions

Ana Štular: Enodnevnica

THIS RELEASE IS IN SLOVENE LANGUAGE! Mayfly - a spendid mini comics debut by 10-year-old girl Ana Štular! Edition O #18, April 2017, 24 bw p., A6, 1,50 €.

O editions

Martin Ramoveš: Astronomi

THIS RELEASE IS IN SLOVENE LANGUAGE! Astronomers - second music album in comics form by Martin Ramoveš! Forum Ljubljana & Klopotec, Edition O #17, March 2017, 72 p. / 31:22 min., 15 €.

Comics Embassy

Nicolas Presl: Sin očeta medveda

WORDLESS GRAPHIC NOVEL! Son of the Father Bear - a mute graphic novel by the French artist Nicolas Presl brings a shocking story of coexistence between humans and animals! Ambasada Strip edition #19, December 2016, 236 bw pgs., 12 €.

Comics Embassy

Marcel Ruijters: Inferno

THIS RELEASE IS IN SLOVENE LANGUAGE! The comics paraphrase of the Dante Alighieri's classic, enriched with a pinch of irony! Ambasada Strip edition #17, October 2016, 160 bw pgs., 10 €.

O editions

Toni Buršić: Lost in Ljubljana

THIS RELEASE IS IN SLOVENE LANGUAGE! First official mini album by young Istrian boy about his study experience in Ljubljana. Edition O #16, April 2016, 24 p., A6, 1,50 €.

O editions

David Krančan: Pijani zajec

THIS RELEASE IS IN SLOVENE LANGUAGE! Drunken Rabbit - a melancholic and charming fairy-tale for adults! Edition O #15, Nov. 2015, 56 bw pgs., B5, 10 €.

Comics Republic

Andrej Štular: Kronike

THIS RELEASE IS IN SLOVENE LANGUAGE! Chronicles - a collection of 'this can’t be true' curiosities found in newspapers! Republika Strip edition #23,October 2015, 94 pgs, A4-, 7 €.